Archive for Souls

The Universal DNA Computer

Posted in Esoteric, Magick, Misc., Unusual with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on February 5, 2009 by hiddenlight777




The Universal DNA Computer


There are various terms in regards to DNA Magick which in essence the DNA is a vast computer to divine proportions.  A term to introduce is the Main DNA Server, which is the main creator of this universe.  The Main DNA Server is the main DNA computer.   A DNA Server is a lesser form of the Main DNA Server it can be seen as planets, it is anything archetypal, it can be seen as categories in a hierarchy.   DNA represents events, people, situations, spells, anything at the human level. 

The Following DNA terms are: 1: DNA Cables are connectors to other DNA’s in any form.  2: DNA Nodes are outcomes or what occurred.  3: DNA Beams are energies that manifest in astral or in the physical 3D realm.  Another particular term I find worth mentioning are: Pylons which rescue what was lost in the DNA process.

DNA is seen symbolically as an Algorithm or a vast computer system based wholly on DNA Sequencing in a series of instructions carried out till the algorithm instructions are manifested.  There are certain rules applied to these instructions to be carried out to manifest.  You need clear cut instructions, the more clear and precise the better chances that the DNA magick will manifest.  Sometimes shorter more obtuse instructions can work but they are on the fringe and lack effectiveness and won’t produce as much productive material as the clear cut and lengthy instructions.  To recapitulate, DNA instructions are a set of rules that tells how the DNA is to behave and carries out each step of the specified instructions. 

  We are all programs in a vast computer system that we play a part in.  Each action of all human beings is a computer program.  In which anything we do is a pattern in the system.  This DNA computer system works in an algorithm like process, which if I wanted to program the DNA to bring a new friend into my life, there would be many probable outcomes to the DNA instructions.  For an example lets hypothetically say the program made the instructions for my new friend to go to a certain place in my hometown, get some coffee and sit down, spills some coffee and I the encoder near-bye goes to help the supposed new friend.  We meet in an odd way, but then we start talking and we hit it off.  That’s one random way that the meeting took place.  There could be hundreds of probabilities for the meeting of that friend, but some where in the pattern of the system there is a synchronistic, non random, highly complex, and preordained manner in which this cosmic computer is devised.  This computer is highly organic, at the same time highly machine like, artificial intelligence is the closest thing to this example as I can get.

The DNA computer system works on all levels of existence, from the quantum and microscopic, to the visible 3D Earth we feel as flesh and blood.  It even goes cosmic beyond this galaxy and our very universe.  Humankind’s actions are computer like, a program within a program, sending signals to the rest of the system.   We are in a vast computer system playing a part of a larger system.

If we look at history we will find a pattern, this pattern is in computer terms a loop.  The reality that we see is but a program that is continuously repeating itself entrapping all its inhabitants.  The system and its program are controlled by alien beings.  This history is of creation and destruction, plagues, wars and famine, death and birth, the very pains of existence.  It repeats itself over and over again to repeat the same mistakes again and again.  To free ourselves we need our soul, and at the moment of death we are freed, but why do we return?  Are some human’s souls not awakened to the reality?  Yes.  But some of us are awakened and can be freed from the hell of the loop and return to the real reality beyond this god forsaken hell of a computer program.  Ascension of consciousness is the key to our freedom, where no longer do our souls remain in this loop, but are freed.

In conclusion I hope this new paradigm as sparked some of your interests, it is fascinating and quite a brainstorm.  I hope you learned something new with this article.  Thank you for reading.
